Mowing With The Fibro
Let's have our first talk about dealing with Fibromyalgia, there is a story that goes along with this.To describe it to those of you who don't know what it is. Well it's a pain. I mean literally a pain or pains. Pins and needles, sometimes even stabbing pains. You will have them for no reason whatsoever. Could be walking along then bam the "Fibro Goblin", as mom my calls it, just comes up and feels like he's done stabbed you. There honestly is so many symptoms for this disorder. Everyone experiences it differently. Mostly tho it's the dang pain that gets you. Mine usually sets in my legs and my feet. So waking up in the morning is slow. I have jumped out of bed and fallen flat on the ground cause the pain was that bad.I have weakness in my right arm and what Tim calls the "Dropsies." There are days it is so bad, and sleep won't come. That all one can do is cry and wish for it to go away. Okay so let's get onto the story for the day. ...